Jerry Allen, Bell Boy 1968. Photo courtesy of Cindy Causey.

Jerry Allen, Bell Boy 1968. Photo courtesy of Cindy Causey.

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The team working on the Lake Highlands High School 50th Anniversary celebration wants every former student, teacher and parent to walk away with a memory book full of vintage photos from the school’s fabled-history, and they’re hoping you’ll submit your pics to see if they make the cut.

Allison Conger, current journalism teacher and yearbook sponsor for the Wildcats, has been collecting old photos and identifying folks in them (or trying to) for months. She’s working on a 16-page, professionally printed book to be available for sale at the March 23rd celebration.

1968 Track Team. Photo courtesy of Cindy Causey.

1968 Track Team. Photo courtesy of Cindy Causey.

The Stout, Enlow and Irwin families have already sent photos of LHHS grads from multiple generations of their families, and they’ll be featured in special sections of the publication. “We have received some wonderful photos from people in the community,” said Conger, but she knows the best book will be the result of the most possible submissions.

The deadline to send your photos is this Friday, March 7, and you can email them to Conger at If you’re lacking in the “tech savvy” department, drop them off in the LHHS front office (well-labeled) and let Conger call you when they are ready to be picked up.

The 50th Anniversary will be held March 23rd from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on the LHHS campus.