Teachers at Lake Highlands High School arrived at their holiday family gatherings bearing homemade pies, courtesy of grateful parents. The gesture of kindness was enough to send teachers into gratitude overload.
“The PTA at Lake Highlands is making every teacher a pie for Thanksgiving,” wrote Casey Boland on her Facebook page. “A pie. They are making us PIES! That is so sweet!” Boland teaches AP Social Studies and leads the Peer Helpers program.
“Best PTA in the world,” wrote Laura Schryver, head of the Latin department, in a note to the parents. “Y’all are awesome.”
“Our teachers were asked to choose their preference ahead of time from 4 types of pies, and the list filled up very quickly,” said Katie Fuerst, Teacher Appreciation chair. “The signup for parents to donate pies filled up quickly too, and some of the parents baked and donated 3, 4, up to 6 pies. The teachers and staff are extremely appreciative of the pies – they left comments on how much they feel so blessed by the entire PTA, not just with this event, but throughout the year.”
“It feels great to send every teacher from LHHS off on their Thanksgiving break with a pie,” agreed Kelly Mason, PTA president. “We (the parents and community) want them to know how much we appreciate all that they do for our students.”
On a personal note, I must say I was the grateful beneficiary of some delicious pie baking myself. Highlander School moms, taking a cue from the LHHS idea, presented each teacher there with two hand-baked pies for the holiday. Our family was singing the praises of those fourth grade mommies and high-fiving the teacher in our family for days. Brilliant.