Stories from in and around our neighborhood, written by someone else:
A Napa Valley homeowner reportedly wishes to swap homes for a year with a White Rock Lake area homeowner. There are some mind-blowingly fine homes around White Rock, no doubt, but the author of this post thinks it’s a ridiculously uneven trade. I say, the Napa guy, who placed this ad on Craigslist, if he indeed is legit, might be OK until, say, June, and then he’ll be all: “What the [bleep] have I done? (Sweat pours from every part of his body).”
Perhaps the Craigslist poster would be interested in this home—made from shipping containers. (These homes are a thing now, by the way.)
The man accused of inexplicably shooting an 8-year-old boy in the face has received a reduced bond, CBS News reported this week. The original, $2.2 million, is now $1 million. Still, too much for his wife to pay to get him out, maybe (she would have to pay just about 10 percent if she had the cash). The tiny victim finally left the hospital after five weeks and still is badly scarred. Activists last week pressed the District Attorney for an attempted murder charge as opposed to the first-degree felony injury to a child charge he now faces, but prosecutors say the latter carries a higher possible penalty.
The Washington Post explains how Wal Mart plans to woo us with its new retail plan. Meanwhile, Wal Mart Supercenter made the Fiscal Times’ worst supermarket list.
Wondering what to do this weekend? Theater Jones reviews Higher Ground, onstage through Oct. 6 at the Bath House. See if it’s up your alley.
Berkner, Lake Highlands High School’s stadium-mate and closest rival, can’t seem to catch a break. First there is the dead goat hanging from their goalpost incident. Then, there was a brief lockdown three weeks ago when someone was reported wandering the neighborhood with a “gun”, which turned out to be a BB gun with which the “someone” was “hunting squirrels” (this from an RISD email to parents). Then, even as the football gods seemed to be smiling on the Rams’ against Sunset, one of their guys gets knocked unconscious and carted off in an ambulance.