When Adam Meierhofer addressed the fidgety teens and proud parents at the Exchange Club’s Scholarship Breakfast Friday, he was wearing two hats. Adam serves on the Richardson ISD School Board, meaning he’ll soon be on stage to hand diplomas to the graduating seniors honored that morning. Adam is also an Exchange Club member, so he knew how hard it was to raise every dollar.
You can see my photo slideshow of the day here.
“There is pride and unmatched support in this community for our schools,” Adam told the assembled group, which included RISD Superintendent Dr. Kay Waggoner, LHHS’ Principal Peggy Dillon, College and Career Center Director Dr. Brenda Prine and Head Counselor Pam Mitchell. “In fact, most of us chose to live here because of our fantastic school reputation. We appreciate the many inspiring teachers and coaches that engage our students and help them reach their greatest potential. The neighborhood should be proud -and don’t try to balance this out next year, Dr. Waggoner,” he said with a laugh, “about half of the 20 STAR teacher recipients in the last few years have come from the Lake Highlands community.
“To date, the Lake Highlands Exchange Club has provided over $1.6 million to LHHS seniors,” Adam continued. A total of 57 scholarships totaling $124,000 were presented Friday.
“We know that these students that maintain a level of accomplishment in our School of Champions will be well-prepared to compete with America’s other finest students in universities around the country,” added Adam. “However, our honorees this morning have done more.
“They have succeeded in other ventures, including sports, music and theatre. They have given back through service to their church with their neighbors and their friends. Some have even helped financially support their family, which speaks so much to their strong character.”
Erick Luck, on hand to present the Luck Family Scholarships, agreed.
“Each of these students is ready. This morning we celebrate their efforts, with literally boffo results so far.”
“To each of the students,” continued Eric, “I want to encourage you to stick to developing your abilities and your thoughtfulness. Listen to your advisors and the advice you have had so far. It is working for you.”
Congratulations to all of the scholarship recipients:
Herb & Frances Walne Memorial Scholarships
Siobhan Kelley
Isabel Pask
Exchange Club of LH Academic Scholarships
Katie Bott
Lindsay Brunkenhoefer
Kenton Cozart
Dallas Crotty
Austin Curnutt
Brittany DiPaolo
Meg Garcia
Berkley Johnson
Kyle Kennedy
Hannah Lewis
Colleen Livingston
Blake Lueder
Jourdan Marsh
Luke Mason
Adam Morrissey
Ruthie Rutledge
Emily Siegers
Jack Stewart
Carolyn Thomas
Elisabeth Wall
Luck Family Foundation & David Tick Scholarships
Damanta Adhikari
Misgana Aschalew
Erika Carillo
Lucina Garcia
Tha Hnem
Stella Hranglung
Cynthia Ibarra
Bhupendra Karki
Theresa Mendoza
Misha Montfort-Mills
Kelsey Munoz
Diep Ngo
Hannah Willard
Bob Potts Working Student Scholarships
Jose Barbosa
Meagan Chapman
Tha Hnem
Data Jo Potts Memorial Scholarships
Damanta Adhikari
Emily Barrows
Keshanda Carraby
Meg Garcia
Theresa Mendoza
Madison Wieters
Potts Family Achievement Scholarship
Julia Swanner
Jason Oglesby Memorial Scholarships
Akhrysta Anderson
Austin Newberry
Diep Ngo
Melinda Ann Lee Memorial Scholarship
Allison Combs
Jeff Kane Memorial Scholarships
Diana Sharber
Malcolm Whorton
Exchange Club Board of Directors Scholarships
Connor Campbell
Ford Flusche
Cynthia Ibarra
Bhupendra Karki
Logan Lee
Rob Morgan