It’s Brithday Week on my wine blog, celebrating five years by giving away a $50 gift card. And, since it is a milestone, a wine review as a short story, complete with soundtrack.
Background music for this post.
“It’s not going to work any more.”
“What are you talking about? We’ve been together since you started the blog – five years, five vintages. You need me. I need you.”
“I thought I needed you. But we’ve grown apart.”
“How can you say that? We were made for each other.”
“Maybe we were once. But not any more. You’ve changed this vintage ($11, purchased, available at Jimmy’s), and I don’t know that I like the changes. Where’s your Italian character, that darkness that made me want you in a way I never wanted another wine? Where’s the plum and earth that made you the blog’s favorite wine for so many y