Moss Haven Elementary has an exciting weekend and some exciting news: It has just been approved to house a chicken coop alongside its educational garden. “We look forward to hatching healthiness in 2013,” says Tiffany Walker, PTA mom and Garden Gal. This makes Moss Haven the first school in Richardson ISD to have a chicken coop, Walker says. You can see Can Turkyilmaz’s video and read Keri Mitchell’s story about the farm in the Advocate‘s May issue.
Thursday, Oct. 25, prospective parents of preschoolers can get an inside look at the school, located at 9202 Moss Farm, from 9-10 a.m. A short presentation by parents, teachers and the principal will be followed by small group tours. Childcare will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your kids on the tour. Contact Elizabeth Selzer, at, or Michelle Dotson, at, with questions.