Local blogger Bernard Brown of White Rock Lake, Dallas last Wednesday snapped photos of a man swimming in the lake near the old Dreyfus Club near Sunset Bay and posted them on his site.
It wasn’t until later that he heard the story about the drowning, which we reported last week; he deduced that the swimmer and the drowning victim might be one in the same. After all, we don’t get many swimmers in White Rock Lake, where swimming has long been illegal.
Sure enough, Brown says, the sister-in-law of the drowning victim contacted him through his blog and let him know that the man in the photos was indeed the man who drowned.
“In fact, they have asked me for all the pictures that I have since it was the last time he was seen alive,” Brown notes.
Since being contacted by the family, Brown has removed photos in which the man can be identified from his blog, leaving just one that shows a shadowy figure swimming. One of the now-deleted photos showed the man, who looks to be in his late 20s or early 30s, exiting the water safely.
Apparently it was after Brown left that the man went back in the water and lost his life.