There were no strains of “Jesus Loves Me” coming from the children’s wing of Lake Highlands United Methodist Church Sunday morning and no Christian rock blared from the youth basement. No sermon was preached in the sanctuary and no old-timey hymns were sung in the older adult classrooms. Young and old alike abandoned traditional church services to step out into the community for a day of service, and God himself appeared to approve, gracing the group with perfect weather for their multi-faceted tasks.
Their community service projects included:
- serving water to runners at the Rock and Roll Half Marathon,
- cooking lunch for residents of Audelia Manor Retirement Home,
- creating favors for hospital patients,
- providing lunch and leading worship at CC Young Retirement Home,
- landscaping the courtyards and playground at Skyview Elementary,
- cleaning up and improving Harry S. Moss Park,
- collecting canned foods for the needy at the Skillman/Royal Tom Thumb,
- organizing a clothes closet and spring cleaning at the New Room outreach center for apartment ministries,
- hosting a party for Emeritus Retirement Center residents,
- and multiple other projects.
The great pics in the slideshow above were taken by church member Jeb Smith. Thanks Jeb!