In the case of the new White Rock Addition, maybe that’s not a bad thing

Spread the good news, the old Walmart building is dead! You might even say a house fell on it.

Make that 17 houses, in the $600,000 to $700,000 price range. Good riddance to the old eyesore, and a cautious hello to our new upscale neighborhood.

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Three builders (Highland Classic Homes, Nobility Homes, and New Leaf Construction) are investing in the new White Rock Addition south of Walnut Hill and west of Audelia, a 3.5-acre piece of land that is included in the Skillman Corridor TIF.

The “T” in TIF stands for tax — a word that can cause distress, especially if it seems private developers might get rewarded with public dollars. “I” is for incremental, and “F” is for finance — now do you get it?  No? Don’t feel bad — it’s similar to working with imaginary numbers in algebra. You know it’s a useful concept