Vickery Meadow is a neighborhood that sort of falls between East Dallas and Lake Highlands, but it easily feels like a separate world — some 20 different languages are spoken among the approximately 36,000 residents of the 2.86-square mile community.

Several months ago we wrote about various efforts to improve the neighborhood, which has long ranked at the top of Dallas Police crime hotspots.

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Central to Vickery Meadow’s strengthening character is the Vickery Meadow Learning Center, whose campus will expand early next year. That means an increased need for volunteer teachers.

In 2012, afternoon classes will meet Monday-Thursday from 12:30-2:30 p.m. for 13 weeks (January – April). Volunteers commit to teaching one 2-hour class per week. All classes are co-taught, curriculum and training are provided. No teaching experience or foreign language required. Minimum age to volunteer is 18. More volunteer opportunities are available in the mornings and evenings at both VMLC locations (Vickery Meadow and West Dallas).

In the aforementioned article, VMLC volunteer Liz Luthans says her few volunteer hours at the center lift her spirits all week long.

“To watch them progress is such a reward. Most of us who teach here aren’t teachers for a living, but this is how teachers must feel … it uplifts me for the whole week,” she says. “I consider the center my neighbor, and a great one to have.”

Attend an orientation session to learn more. For more information or to RSVP for orientation, contact Barbara Johnson, West Dallas Site Director,at or 214-265-5057 x201.

Orientation Dates:

Monday, December 5, 2011 12:00-2:30 pm

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 12:00-2:30 pm

Thursday, January 5, 2012 9:00-11:30 am or 6:30-9:00 pm

Monday, January 9, 2012 12:00-2:30

Orientation will be held at the west Dallas location 1018 Gallagher, 75212