All of the following headlines came under the heading “Lake Highlands” in editions of the Dallas Morning News:

“Man caught on camera in Home Depot break-in” (Oct. 31, 2010); “Woman finds roommate dead in Lake Highlands Apartment” (Oct. 22, 2010); “Man arrested in death of girlfriend’s brother” (Dec. 3, 2010); “Police investigate fatal shooting in alleyway” (March 6, 2011); “Robbed woman dies of injuries” (March 13, 2011); “LH man arrested for allegedly shooting at witnesses” (April 1, 2011); “Two men found slain in burning apartment” (April 28, 2011); “Police seek witnesses to robbery-killing” (June 6, 2011); “Man pleads guilty in sexual assault” (July 28, 2011).

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In a past column, I complained that the Dallas Morning News had gone out of its way to associate negative stories with the Lake Highlands community. After collecting the stories referenced above, it is still difficult to believe otherwise.

However, there is another way to look at it — perhaps our community has an inordinate amount of violent crime. At the very least, we appear schizophrenic.

On the one hand, we are a comfortable, family-oriented, tight-knit community; on the other hand, we appear to keep the Northeast Police Station fully occupied.

But before we begin to believe that we are somehow more heavily burdened b