LH’s Kristen Harris is a fashionable young mother of 2 boys, but she admits she didn’t realize today was the day Target scheduled its big launch of Missoni fashion. “I was just running in for toothpaste,” she told friends on Facebook. “Ran to the Womens’ Dept. (with 100 others) and grabbed a cute dress and sweater hoodie. Adorable shoes were gone in 5 minutes (no more in my size). It was chaos and so fun because I wasn’t expecting it at all!”
Judging by the long lines of women in her iPhone photo, lots of LH women at the Skillman/Abrams SuperTarget were expecting it. And the phenomenon was nationwide.
“I heard from Target employees that Target.com crashed,” wrote Kristen.
“Woof! We are suddenly extremely popular,” states Targets website. “You may not be able to access our site momentarily due to unusually high traffic.”
The Missoni line gained new exposure to a younger audience on the popular hit TV show, America’s Top Model, and – voila – Target makes the haute couture price-accessible. At least for 6 minutes.
“Now, if only it wasn’t going to be 105 today, I could wear my cute new clothes,” sighed Kristen.