Students at Richardson ISD high schools are graduating better-prepared for college than their peers at other neighboring suburbs, according to a new analysis by Dallas Morning News. In this online story (you’ll have trouble viewing it if you aren’t a subscriber) more of RISD’s 2009 graduates were deemed “college ready” than students in Plano, Mesquite, Garland, Frisco and Allen. The analysis accounted for poverty and other student challenges, significant given that more than half of RISD’s students in 2009 were considered economically disadvantaged.
Jeffrey Weiss of DMN listed several factors in RISD’s success:
- The momentum of tradition,
- Early and aggressive use of technology,
- Effective staff training programs,
- Close partnerships with Texas Instruments and nearby UT-Dallas,
- Good teachers want to work for Richardson.
In a speech to the Lake Highlands Exchange Club, RISD Superintendent Dr. Kay Waggoner listed several of these factors as indicative of the district’s bright future and praised the students and teachers of RISD.