In Part 4 of our five-part video debate between mayoral candidates Mike Rawlings and David Kunkle, they continue the discussion over what to cut from the city budget. Advocate publisher Rick Wamre lists specific items and asks, “cut it, or keep it?” in hopes of getting more detailed responses from the candidates.
Wamre begins with the more than $400,000 budget for international economic development – what is that money actually for? Next up, we spend about $165,000 on procurement of public art – should we really be buying more art if we can’t maintain what we already have? (2:34) The candidates agree that the city is either spending way too little or way too much (4:14). Lastly, the debate turns to libraries – we’re building new ones, but cutting hours and collections at existing ones. Can we allocate money away from the branches that are barely being used? (4:20) Or, should they be outsourced? (5:45)
The video debate has covered big-ticket projects, city funding for revitalizing neighborhoods and the first half of the city budget debate.
That wraps up the discussion on politics, but check the blog Monday for the candidates’ responses to reader-submitted questions like “What are your three favorite Dallas restaurants?”
Election Day is June 18, and early voting is June 6-14.