We’ve heard all the vague strategies for fixing the $70 million budget deficit. In this segment of the Advocate’s video debate between mayoral candidates Mike Rawlings and David Kunkle, publisher Rick Wamre lists specific items in the budget and asks – cut it, or keep it? This section of the discussion will come in two parts.
First up, police (0:56). We hired fewer officers this past year – do we need to make up the difference? Second, the city spends about $1.5 million on the Farmers’ Market (2:49). Is it essential, or should we privatize it? Next, the Dallas Film Commission makes up about $306,000 of the budget (5:50) – is it worth it?
Check back Sunday for the second part of the budget discussion in which the candidates address items including the heliport, procurement of public art and libraries and rec centers.
Our previous debate videos have covered investing in big-ticket projects and, in contrast, investing in neighborhood redevelopment.