• We recently told you about the new Watercrest Park at Lake Highlands Town Center. The park was built and is maintained by Town Center developer Prescott Realty Group, but Prescott conveyed it to the City of Dallas for public use with Lake Highlands neighbors specifically in mind.
Watch the video above from David Leeson showing how the park looks today and featuring Prescott and Dallas Park Department officials discussing their public-private partnership.
• Also, sign up for the Advocate’s new Town Center Update e-newsletter if you would like special, periodic emails with breaking Town Center news. By signing up, you’ll be one of the first to know when/if Prescott announces its first major tenant, when/if any zoning changes are proposed, the schedule of future concerts and events to be held at the park and anything else Town Center-related.
The newsletter is free and available by email only from the Lake Highlands Advocate. And don’t worry: We’ll only send the newsletter when there’s real Town Center news, and we won’t give your information to anyone else. While you’re on the sign-up page, you can also select to receive other newsletters, too.
As a bonus, if you sign up for the newsletter before May 15, we’ll send you a special preview of our upcoming Town Center story to be published in the June magazine, along with photos at Watercrest Park.