Shopping is exhausting – you’d better plan ahead for a pick-me-up. Several LH area Glee-style show choirs will be performing at NorthPark over the next two weeks, so mark your calendar to maneuver your shopping toward the Dillard’s court fountain or the big red sculpture near the AMC Theater entrance (aka North Court). They’ll be serving up some holiday music and inviting shoppers to sing along.
- Friday, Dec. 3, 4:15 pm, LHJH Limited Edition, Dillards
- Thursday, Dec. 9, 11:30 am, Aikin Choir and Percussion, AMC
- Thursday, Dec. 9, 4:15 pm, LHFC Center Stage, Dillards
- Thursday, Dec. 9, 5 pm, LHHS Wildcat Wranglers, AMC
- Friday, Dec. 10, 2:15 pm, FMJH Sound Express, Dillards
- Friday, Dec. 10, 3:15 pm, LHHS Espree
- Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1:30 pm, White Rock, AMC
- Wed., Dec. 15, 1:30 pm, Skyview, AMC
- Friday, Dec. 17., 10 am, Merriman Park, Dillards
- Friday, Dec. 17, 12:15 pm, Thurgood Marshall, Dillards
Oh, and speaking of Glee, next Tuesday is the big Christmas episode on Fox at 7 pm.