How badly does Mayor Park Cities want to be a U.S. senator? So badly that he has double-crossed his black and brown allies on the city council and is counting on the vote of the one person on the council he has repeatedly stabbed in the back to pass his plan to ban no-bid concessions at Love Field.
This mess, which would be funny if it wasn’t so typical of what passes for political sophistication around here, is all about last year’s conviction of Dallas city councilman Don Hill on corruption charges. Leppert’s handlers need an issue to distance the mayor from the Hill scandal — which any opponent would be an idiot not to bring up — if and when Leppert runs for senator. What better issue than coming out against no-bid contracts? By God, Leppert will thunder on the campaign trail, I didn’t let those people in Dallas waste any taxpayer money with their cronyism and shady practices.