If you’ve been following the Red Cat Consignment saga during the past few months (click here and here and here for updates), last night’s camera-stalking video of former store owner Marukh Hall won’t surprise you much. Fox 4 tracked Hall down in a parking lot, stuck a camera in her face and asked her what happened to the store. Her answer, as she shuffled from one side of her car to the other — camera watching her the entire way — was pretty simple: We ran out of money and closed the store.

What about all of the consigned goods that were in the store but are now AWOL, with some reported to have been sold at neighborhood estate sales during the past few weeks? Hall’s answer here was quite a bit less direct, but she basically said the people who consigned their goods to Red Cat either received their money or their goods, or they didn’t follow "the rules" and shouldn’t be complaining.

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Good thing she didn’t say that directly to a bunch of her former customers, or the resulting video would have been a pretty rowdy one. A couple of neighborhood residents have filed complaints with the Texas Attorney General’s office, and several have said they planned to file small claims court suits to recover either their lost goods or their money.