Lake Highlands Women’s League hosted their annual Holiday in the Highlands home tour Friday (click here to see our photo gallery of the tour), with big crowds attending despite frigid weather. “It’s not too cold for us,” said Jan Gillis who attended with friends. “We just stopped in at White Rock Coffee between homes.”
Patti Smith, whose home on Windy Hill was on the tour a few years ago, agreed. “Today brings back warm memories,” she said. “The women in the League were great to work with. It was fun, especially knowing that the tour benefits students by granting college scholarships to LH seniors.”
“Every year we come to be inspired for the holidays,” said Susan Bradley. Added Kay Strubeck, “home tour day is a chance to spend the day with friends and see the beautiful homes.”
“My favorite was the two-level screened-in porches at the Jenkins home on Timberhollow Circle” said Melanie Hedrick. “The fireplaces were beautiful, and the screens were so fine they were almost hidden.” Melanie’s friend Janna Gardner enjoyed the home, too. “I’d love to borrow her beautiful Christmas dishes and have a party,” she joked.
“The homes this year were amazing,” said Mary Jayne Pumphrey. “The best part is seeing all your neighbors – everyone I know is here.”
Debbie Douglas, another attendee whose home was previously on tour, had high praise for all four homes. “I can appreciate all the work that went into making each room just perfect.” Debbie admitted it was a relief to be a tour-er and not a tour-ee this year.
Final numbers will be announced soon, the tour is likely to raise thousands of dollars to fund multiple community projects this spring and to fund several college scholarships for needy and deserving LHHS seniors.
“Presenting those checks in the spring is the highlight of our year,” said Anna Dean, home tour co-chairman. “It’s what our members work so hard for.”
“The best part is getting the thank you notes from kids,” said Co-Chairman Debbie Johnson. “Students write to tell us how their semester is going, how they like their classes, what they’ve decided to major in – it’s like they are our own children. And when they say they are grateful, it’s a wonderful feeling.”