Tyler Terrell, an LH senior and Bell Boy, continues his series of interviews with Wildcat football players:

James Duke is a senior safety and wide receiver for the Wildcats. He has overcome a fractured foot to become one of LH’s most dynamic players. Duke is not only a standout on offense and defense, but has also been returning punts this season.
Q: How have you bounced back from your injury? Were there any difficulties coming back?
A: I had to go through a lot of rehab and slowly get my balance back. After I was able to balance, I slowly was able to start working out and practice with the team.
Q: How do you deal with your dual role as both a receiver and safety?
A: I just take it one play at a time and completely focus on offense when we have the ball. I have to only think about our offensive plays, then if we turn it over I focus on defense. I can’t think about offense when we no longer have the ball.
Q: Who is your favorite musical artist?
A: Lil Wayne. I love his music and lyics.
Q: What do you plan on doing after high school?
A: A couple colleges are showing interest in me, but nobody has offered anything yet. I will definitely be playing Division 1 football next year.
Q: If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be?
A: Marion Barber and Terrell Owens. I would like to know how they got to where they are today.

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