Bundle up and head over to the American Airlines Center tomorrow to catch the Stars against the Colorado Avalanche … supposed to be a good game. Here’s the bonus: You can catch a pre-game performance by the ever popular Lake Highlands High School Highlandettes in the AT&T Plaza. They’ll be performing at 7 pm.
The neat thing about this is that the hard working ‘Dettes, always looking for ways to raise funds, took advantage of a Stars group sales incentive and sold a minimum of 100 tickets for the game. A portion of those proceeds will be coming back to them. According to Chelsea Dill, group sales and hospitality, "We love having local school groups perform at the games, and this is a way they can get their friends and family out, too. Not only is it a crowd pleaser, but the group gets a portion of their sales back. They also get a behind the scenes tour of the arena before they get to enjoy the game’.
Friday, Dec. 5, 7 pm, American Airlines Center AT&T Plaza. For ticket info, visit americanairlinescenter.com.