At 6 am this morning I received an email from Prescott with my Town Center on line survey. With coffee in hand I filled it out. I very much wanted to post the link but had to head out to take pix of RISD teachers getting on buses at LHHS to take them to Convocation. Just before leaving at 7:15 I quickly checked the blog and that darned…good Christina had beaten me to the punch of posting.
When I got home at 12:15, before downloading my 150+ pix, I checked my email. I had six that had sent me the Town Center survey link!
Thanks to Prescott for doing the survey which is user and community friendly. And kudos to Prescott for hiring the right marketing person who figured out that all they ever had to do to get all the information they could ever want, need and benefit from – for free – was to send one well placed email in Lake Highlands. News travels reeeeeel fast in this ‘hood.