Plastic bottles and containers are fairly easy to recycle, either in the city’s blue recycle bins or at places like Tom Thumb that have a receptacle bin for plastics. But every time I toss a water bottle or laundry detergent container into my recycle pile, I always feel a little guilty tossing the cap into the trash. Aveda came up with a solution to this problem. At their retail stores, you can now drop off all of your plastic container caps — 25 of them will get you a free Aveda facial masque sample.


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I was chatting with one of NorthPark Aveda’s employees recently, and she told me Aveda has found a way to recycle caps and turn them into shampoo bottles. The Aveda clove shampoo is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, so the company is planning to release a vintage anniversary bottle made from the recycled caps.