After having been informed that the four Focus Group sessions sponsored by Prescott next week at the Rec Center to obtain feedback from women about retail were all full up and I couldn’t attend, I tried once more to get a ‘slot’, citing that the rec center was pretty big and that Prescott would do well to welcome as many women as interested from the LH Community. Here’s the response I received from Brenna Ellis:
Thank you for your feedback. We contacted three groups, the LH Junior Women’s League, the LH Women’s League and the LH Area Early Childhood PTA. The word spread very quickly and unfortunately the announcement hit the blog and at least one neighborhood association so you can imagine we have received many inquiries. We are so appreciative of the response. The intent was to solicit approximately 60 women and rather than blanket all of LH’s we decided to target the three groups with which we were most familiar. Thanks again for your interest in LHTC. Our goal is to create a first class project that will be a true town center for Lake Highlands.
I’m wondering why only these three groups were contacted – great groups, but why only them? Are the women in these groups the only women in LH who will shop and/or live in LHTC? What specific feedback is Prescott looking for that only these women can provide? Why was not a larger PR net cast? (I only received a forwarded email from a friend the evening of 7/17. I’d never have known otherwise). I remember when Prescott was campaigning for the PID, there was very little notification for that as well. And why is Prescott not more familiar with all the rest of the female population in Lake Highlands? Seems to me that would be important research.
I really hate to whine but I want to attend and they’re saying I can’t. Not only am I a pretty big shopper in Lake Highlands, I also happen to pop off a blog now and again which sometimes gets attention (…unfortunately the announcement hit the blog and at least one neighborhood association so you can imagine we have received many inquiries). That could be a good thing for Prescott. Or not.
So since Prescott won’t let me come play, will someone please take notes for me?