Sunday June 28th, baseball playoffs notwithstanding, a well rounded steady streaming crowd showed up at the Lake Highlands Rec Center for the book signing of ‘I Was A Stranger’, penned by Lake Highlands own Chris Kelley. With Feliberto Pereira, the star of the book in attendance, Cuban music in the background, and delicious eats provided by LH hosts Roger Hohnstein and Mary Kay Thomas, it all made for a very laid back event.
And the two authors (that’s Pereira on the left), both relaxed and smiling, happily spent time with each fan as they signed their best wishes in book covers.
Hard to believe Mr. Pereira, a very lovely gentleman, smiling, hand-shaking, happily spending time, is the same guy who escaped Castro’s Cuba at 105 pounds in 1969. He made it to the land of the free (that would be Texas), and became a savior to a whole lot of folks bookin’ out of bad places with bad people at the helm. Do yourself a summer read favor: Get the book. Come November, the Spanish translation will be available
I’m taking my very special copy to Chicago with me this weekend. I’m excited ‘cause it’s a great story and an easy read, won’t put it down.