It’s just before dusk as I turn onto a residential street that overlooks White Rock Lake. I see a White SUV stopped in the middle of the road — a troubled-looking blonde lady standing in front of it. From a distance I can see a roundish figure at her feet and I’m afraid she’s hit a dog or some small animal. Several cars swerve around the “scene”. I pull up next to her and see the "small animal" is a large live turtle and I ask her, “whatcha got there?” Cringing, she says, “He’s just out in the middle of the street — I was afraid he’d get run over … but I don’t want to touch it!”
Turtles are way low on my gross out/fear scale, so I hop out of my car, swoop up the turtle and place him safely in the nearby bush. I thank the woman for saving his little reptilian life, and drive off wearing a big smile.
In this fast-paced world where cars ride your rear, run red lights — where we often pay more attention to our cell phones than our surroundings, it’s nice to see someone stop to save a creature they don’t even want to touch.