At 4:30 this morning I knew it was going to be a stellar day. But more on that in three minutes.
Things have come in threes today. I walked out my back door early to feed the hound and saw that the Gardenia had one perfect bloom – the first of many to come. Then I walked out my front door and saw a blazing orange Day Lily, fully opened – the first of the season. Right behind it was the Easter Lily I’d planted…last Easter…with three perfect white trumpets. This first three of three turned into a floral grand slam when I looked up and saw a Magnolia blossom – within reach!
Left the house to run errands. Passed Miss Sallys house and my eyes beheld three sturdy trellises in bulk trash pick up. (Remember threes: Reduce, reuse, recycle). Just so happens I was on my way to the LHCG anyway so I stopped, rang, asked, visited and scored.
Once loaded, me and my three trellishes headed down the street only to encounter the third of three: Miss Inez, Miss Mary Lou and a little old Miss I don’t know but who was nice. Some more good neighbor visiting before the sun scorched us.
Now the reason I knew it was going to be a stellar day (not necessarily a day of threes) is that last night I rescued a baby bird. There was another person with me who wanted to put the babe in the bushes. I brought it home. Over the course of a very bright night (heat lamp) and a whole lot of peeps, me and Elsa nursed that baby and she was still breathing this morning. We were at East Lake Vet Hospital before they opened their doors at 7:30 am. I called at 10:00. ‘Hope’, the name Elsa gave the baby bird, was doing great, taking food, getting prepared to go to Rogers Wild Bird Preserve.
It’s going to be a good summer in the ‘hood.