Last night Prescott Realty Group, developers of the future Lake Highlands Town Center, announced (at a community forum) a few Town Center updates and unveiled some new drawings — though they won’t announce any specific new retailers for another month or so. Note that the photos (below) are conceptual and final architectural details are still in the works, using months-worth of input from various focus groups and market research. I can’t offer any commentary on the meeting because I wasn’t there (it’s been a busy week here) but I understand our councilman Jerry Allen as well and other former officials facilitated/attended and I know you guys didn’t let ‘em out of there without voicing the usual hard-hitting questions and concerns.
Thanks to Colleen Petersen, Prescott’s PR representative, for sending over the renderings. For those of you with questions about the (apparently very confusing based on this bedlam a couple week’s ago) PID … Colleen says the tell-all LHPID web site will be up and running by tomorrow at