With the 2007/2008 school year coming to a close, it’s time to order that Lake Highlands Elementary Commemorative Brick you put off ordering last year! Completed over the summer of 2007, the brick patio honors LHE’s 50th Anniversary. It currently holds 86 engraved inaugural bricks and tiles.

The engravings range from the simple (a childs name on one line) to the sentimental (the honoring of a loved one gone) to the studious (homages to teachers and classes) to the slightly sensational (Kim Sullivan Rocks! and Science Lab Assistants Rock!). And the variety of logos accompanying the bricks and tiles is representative of the many areas of interest and achievement of the LHEer’s installed in terra cotta in front of the school. (It’s great fun to watch the kids slowly pace the patio to see who’s there!)

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A second installation will take place this summer. Available for purchase are 4 x 8 bricks, and 8 x 8, 6 x 12 and 12 x 12 tiles. Orders have been coming in, many as gifts of honor, and are indicative of the love and respect for the teachers, students and neighbors of LHE. Deadline to grab your place in LHE history is May 30th so get your order form and logo sheet Here