An alert came to me from Nancy Willis of the L Streets crime watch — a couple weeks ago she let us know about a home burglary in our neighborhood and it seems a few more have occurred since, one on Longmeadow, one on Lanshire, and two in the neighborhood east of Plano. The crooks’ MO seems to be busting a lock or kicking in a door during the day. This isn’t unusual — but it is a type of crime that’s up citywide, police say. They seem particularly bent on getting their hands on laptops and flat screen/plasma TVs (I deduce that after reading police reports for the Northeast division). I know none of us want to believe it can happen to us, but I’ve been told by cops that it’s good to engrave your Driver’s License number on your valuables (laptops, TVs). That’s really your only chance of recovering property once it’s been stolen. Plus it will serve as evidence to help convict these thugs after they get caught with your stuff.
You can check out an engraver from the police station, says Northeast Deputy Chief Jan Easterling.