While Barack didn’t take Texas, he clinched a large portion of the adolescent vote in our neighborhood, according to a source here in the Advocate offices. Said informant, who happens to be mom to a 7th grader, told me that her daughter’s middle school held their own primary election yesterday, which Obama won “by a landslide.”
My own nine-year-old daughter said she would vote for Obama because "he’s hot".
I think this just backs up my theory that Obama is the Rock Star of politics right now. He’s the cool guy— and it’s not just the kiddos who think so. I think he’s pretty cool too, and I think someday he might make a good commander-in-chief. Someday.
Clinton continues to pull through each time it looks like Obama might seal the Democratic deal and I think that’s because in the back of our (collective) logical minds – wherein lie those instincts that quietly succumb to peer pressure and pomp until it begins to threaten our safety – we are afraid to actually hand the power over to the less-experienced candidate. We know what we’re getting with Clinton and that makes us feel safe … even if you think she’s a witch with a B. There’s that thing in many the human that takes over at the last minute and says, let’s not take this bet – the stakes are too high.
There’s a buzz about the Advocate office today – the late night caucuses and the accompanying chaos equaled a new exciting experience for us Texans and no matter which side you’re supporting, it feels good to care – and what a super opportunity for us to talk to our kids and students about politics and reasons to support (or not) a candidate – besides good lookin’ – ness.