I stopped at the intersection of Lovers Lane and Greenville this afternoon, and immediately noticed people standing on each corner (and on a couple of the medians) holding Hillary Clinton signs. Another thing immediately apparent, especially because of the race and gender issues in this presidential election, was that each person holding a sign was black.
I rolled down the window to ask one of the men what group the sign-holders belonged to, and he told me Southern Fried Marketing. I asked if they supported Hillary Clinton for president, and he replied: "Paid for."
It struck me as interesting, and I wondered why the Clinton campaign had chosen that intersection as opposed to others I had driven through (though I guess there could have been Hillary signs all over Dallas today). I don’t know how long they were there because a couple of hours later when I drove through again, construction crews were tearing up the left turn lanes from Greenville onto Lovers, with no sign holders in sight. I’ll be glad when those new double left turn lanes and right-hand turn lanes are finished.