Kelly Gregan is holding her first Citizen Action Team meeting tomorrow night, and everyone in the neighborhood is invited — even Lake Highlanders who live outside of what Gregan has defined as the Lake Highlands community prosecution target area boundaries. Gregan explained in her e-mail that "the Lake Highlands area is far too vast for one community prosecutor, so we are going to work on improving it one section at a time."
Gregan was introduced at the most recent LHAIA meeting, and appeared incredibly energetic and enthusiastic. What exactly is the job of a Lake Highlands community prosecutor? She will spell that out tomorrow at the Lake Highlands North Recreation Center, 9940 White Rock Trail, starting at 7 p.m. She’s going to give updates on current projects and areas of concern, and is asking neighbors to come with ideas on properties that need attention. Anyone who can’t attend the meeting Wednesday can e-mail Gregan directly, or simply attend the next meeting — she’ll be holding one every third Wednesday of the month.