The James Beard awards, the food world’s equivalent of the Oscars, has announced its 2008 nominations. And Sharon Hage of York Street, who has been nominated for best chef in the Southwest pretty much every year this decade, has been nominated for the award again. Maybe she’ll actually win this time and I can stop writing nasty things about the Beard awards judges.
The southwest nominations include another Dallas chef, Anthony Bombaci of Nana. A variety of other local culinary types show up in various categories, including Dean Fearing’s new restaurant for best new restaurant and Stephan Pyles in the very prestigious outstanding chef category.
But what is most noticeable are the categories that didn’t include any Dallas-area restaurants, especially in outstanding restaurant, outstanding service and outstanding wine service. Many people here think this is one of the best restaurant cities in the country, but this does not seem to be the view elsewhere.