Prescott Realty is ready to redevelop another segment of Skillman it seems. The Lake Highlands Town Center developers have filed an application with the city to rezone two properties in the 6800 block of Skillman. Right now, said property contains two aging apartment complexes — the Toscana and White Rock Trail apartments. According to the application, Prescott wants to turn those into a four-story, 650-unit "luxury residential community (with) Features (that would) include courtyards and residential amenities, parkway landscape and tree-spacing standards consistent with those approved for the Lake Highlands Town Center."
This land is close to but not a part of our aforementioned Town Center.
The apartments would be connected to the Town Center by the same bike path which will someday (we hope) connect with the White Rock and Katy Trail.
Our very in-the-loop neighbor, Peggy Hill (who alerted us to this news), points out that Prescott’s request is for a planned development (PD), meaning, as she puts it, "we will know what we are getting." She adds that Prescott’s people will not flip the property but will develop it themselves.
So what will the neighborhood groups have to say about it all? (Peggy said she’s not sure what the community reaction will be). Maybe the proceedings will be a quiet and amicable — after all, you’re just replacing "old" apartments with a "luxury multi family community." And maybe we’re all to busy worrying about the problem up the road at Church. Yeah. Right. Peggy said Prescott plans to meet with neighborhood representatives soon. (Maybe when LHAIA and certain homeowners groups get back on speaking terms??)
Prescott’s Vance Detwiler said he’d have project manager Taylor Stone contact me – we’ll stay on the case and keep you posted.
A CPC hearing is scheduled for March 29th.