Forget all this presidential stuff. We’re starting to see signs — both figuratively and literally — that this fall’s local races are already underway.
• Republican Bill Keffer, who is running against incumbent Democrat Allen Vaught for the state house seat that includes Lakewood, East Dallas and Lake Highlands, already has yard signs up (in Vaught territory in Lakewood Heights, in fact). And I got a Vaught legislative mailing last week that included the former U.S. Army captain pictured in full battle gear.
• I had lunch at Vern’s on Friday, and Democratic sheriff candidate Sam Allen was there handing out literature. He is one of three people challenging incumbent Lupe Valdez in the March 4 primary. Valdez, despite her incumbency, is a very weak candidate with a poor record. If the county Democratic Party had any sense at all, they’d thank her for her services and find someone else. Valdez should win the primary, but if she has any trouble, what little chance she has of winning the general election is gone.
• There are four Democratic primary candidates for county tax-assessor collector. Four? Do they know something about the job that the rest of us don’t?
• Local Republicans will vote on three ballot initiatives to require photo voter IDs, to control illegal immigration, and to limit state spending. I wonder what the results will be?