Studio Movie Grill opens Feb. 4 at Royal Lane and Central, bringing the company’s successful format to the neighborhood. Opening day features a number of first-run movies, including 27 Dresses, Cloverfield and The Bucket List. If you aren’t familiar with how the place works, the main difference between a regular theater and the movie grill is that you receive food service at your seats, which are organized around small tables — it’s similar to what the Granada offered years ago when Keith McKeague was running it. The new Dallas location — the company’s fifth in the area — is behind the McDonald’s at Royal & Central in a strip center that seemingly has had a hard time getting going despite 10 or so years of seasoning.
Something to think about: A movie grill-type establishment was pretty high on the list for the Lake Highlands Town Center, so it looks like that’s one idea that will have to be crossed off the list, given the proximity. On a more positive note, if you haven’t been by the Town Center location lately, check it out: The apartments are coming down, and the place looks remarkably different. Perhaps the new look will help with commercial leasing on the project.