We ran a story in January’s Lakewood/East Dallas edition about Adam McGough, a Lake Highlands resident who is the community prosecutor for Old East Dallas. We had planned to run the story in the LH edition, too, touching on the fact that our neighborhood is on its way to getting a community prosecutor of our own. But in the process, we found out that Kelly Gregan had already been hired and is in training.

The logical move, of course, would have been for us to do a completely different story on Gregan, which freelancer Becky Bull hoped to write. However, it turns out that Gregan is so new that she’s not yet allowed to speak with the media. So here’s what McGough had to say:

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"Her goals will be to improve public safety, address quality of life issues, and build community. However, the Lake Highlands area presents different issues, and she is working right now to figure out the most efficient strategies to address the issues in Lake Highlands. She will use partnerships with city agencies and local community stakeholders, and she will focus on large code issues. Kelly is the first community prosecutor in Northeast Dallas, and she is focusing on defining her geographic boundaries and learning the neighborhoods so she can be most effective. It will take some time, but she is eager for the challenges."

We’ll keep you updated.