The highlight of last night’s Mu Alpha Theta induction, aside from hearing my own children’s names being called, was learning that members of this math honor society at Lake Highlands High School gave over a thousand hours of tutoring time last year in our community. That’s 2000 half-hour sessions, wherein high school students with some proven math ability sit down and tutor kids diagnosed as needing help by their elementary or junior high teacher. These mentors may not quite be Will Hunting math whizes (love that Matt Damon movie), but I gotta think a little face time with a cool high schooler goes a long way toward letting a struggling student know that his math lesson is worth his time.
Of course, the biggest beneficiary of tutoring, as those who have ever ventured to teach anything to another person know, is the teacher himself. What a thrill to help another soul. What an honor to be admired by another person. What an experience to see a need and fill it.