From the world of frivolous press releases … it appears that, according to the first annual HealthSaver Caffeinated Cities Survey (oh, those guys), "Dallas/Ft. Worth is the sixth least caffeinated metro area in the country, compared to 19 other major American cities."
We do, however, have a taste for the caffeinated sugar, ranking No. 2 "in consuming caffeinated sodas daily, behind only Chicago." And, I’d say, our waistlines show it. (By the way, look to our monthly A List newsletter, coming out next Tuesday, for a wonderfully ironic item on America’s expanding girth. You can subscribe here if you don’t already get it.)
Chicago, by the way, is the most caffeinated city (even over Seattle/Tacoma, which drinks the most coffee but is not the most caffeinated); San Francisco is the least.
So, there’s your useless hunk of hump-day factoid. Now I’m gonna get another cup of coffee.