The Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association has seemed rather quiet as of the last six months. Or so it seemed to me. Nothing new on the website, I hadn’t received any e-mails from members or read any DMN stories about the group. So I shot an e-mail over to Susan Morgan, LHAIA’s economic development chair, who’s always excellent about getting back to me right away. And she didn’t disappoint — within an hour I heard from her:
"Yes, we’re still here!" she says. Seems the association’s website is being redeveloped "so the old one has unfortunately been very stagnant." The planned launch was August, but technical difficulties have set that back a bit. The new site should be active shortly, Morgan assured.
In the meantime, quarterly meetings have been happening and those interested can learn of those meetings via the group’s listserv (go to the site and click on "subscribe" on the left). The next meeting is October 15, 7 p.m. at the LH Freshman Center. Jerry Allen and LHAIA president Steve Wakefield will be giving updates.