Here’s a news flash from blog reader Matt Wood, as well as recognition that the efforts of many Lake Highlands residents — but particularly Susan Morgan and Steve Wakefield with the Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association — are starting to pay off:
I’ve heard rumors of a new Studio Movie Grill location south of 635 for a while, but saw this today, so apparently, its official! Evidently construction is already underway for a Studio Movie Grill at Central and Royal, between Conn’s and 24 Hour Fitness. I understand that this new location, SOUTH of 635, EAST of Central (well, ON Central, but on the EAST side) will have 8 or perhaps 9 screens. It’s not precisely within the traditional Lake Highlands borders, but at least now I will be able to get my dinner and a movie fix without having to (insert favorite “North of 635” slam here).
Assuming this location is successful; someone should show them Casa Linda . . .