It seems hard for me to believe that we have reached the year 2000. I hope the Y2K bugs will be kind to us all. As we start a new year, much less new century, my hope is that our crime rate in District 10 will continue to show improvement.
As you may have recalled in a previous month’s issue, we were having some problems, especially in auto-related theft and burglary. I am glad to report that September’s numbers showed improvement. The bad news is that we still see increases over last year, just not as large a percentage.
Terrell Bolton, our new police chief, has received some tough treatment from the media at the start of his tenure. I really did like Chief Click and appreciated his being so involved in the community, but I also realized that we had some problems that were not being addressed. Last year, after complaining for several months, I was assigned an assistant chief who started addressing my concerns. His name was Terrell Bolton.