We often call volunteers the “unsung heroes” of our community. They give unselfishly of their time and talents to help others and usually do so without recognition or reward.
Once a year, we have a special opportunity to sing the praises of these “unsung” efforts. April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and here in Dallas, April 13 is the date of the 18th annual Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Awards Celebration. This year, more than 200 local nominees will be honored, including many Lake Highlands residents and organizations.
Congratulations to the following neighborhood residents nominated for the 1998 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award. They are: Angela Avery, Ed Chronister, Hari Masand, Jean Medanich, Lynette Smith, Courtney Spearman, and Elizabeth Wilkes.
The following neighborhood groups also were nominated for their volunteer efforts: Brownie Girl Troop 767, Eldercare/Visiting Nurse Association; and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Albert S. Johnston Elementary School.
If you know any of these outstanding volunteers or others who are making a difference in our community, take time this month to tell them you appreciate their efforts. And if you are a volunteer – thank you for your willingness to serve.