Even as trees are dying in the Royal Lane and Northcliff Drive medians, a debate continues among tree experts, neighbors and City officials about who is to blame and what will be done to correct the situation.
Residents blame City street crews they say sprayed herbicide for weed control. Officials such as Rickie Hunt, district manager for street operations for Southeast Dallas, say many factors could have caused the damage and the City’s role has not been determined.
The City has said it will replace every dead tree along Royal Lane during the fall and winter. Gary Olp, a founder and board member of the Old Lake Highlands Neighborhood Association, says he has not received similar assurances about the trees along Northcliff.
Olp says the association spent four years raising funds and planting the red oaks, Bradford pears, crape myrtle and others along the drive.
The association cares for the trees; the City takes care of the medians. Olp believes City maintenance crews caused the damage.
Says Olp: “I saw one crew go through that was spraying. The leaves turned brown within days. It all goes back to the City.”
Olp took his complaint to Hunt, who told him Northcliff is maintained by a private contractor hired by the City.
Hunt says he is seeking permission from the City Park Department to obtain similar trees as replacements for those lost.