There weren’t just changes in the results of the fourth annual Advocate Community Newspapers Readers’ Taste Awards – there was a revolution.

Gone are such old faithfuls and perpetual top-finishers as Matt’s Rancho Martinez, Snuffer’s, Sweet Temptations, Thai Soon, and Angelo’s. Sweet Temptations, for instance, has been named Favorite Restaurant for three years in a row; this year, it didn’t even earn a runner-up status. Thai Soon has won the Asian award every year there has been an Asian category, and Snuffer’s has always won the top hamburger honor – until this year.

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Even more interestingly, they weren’t usually replaced on the list by new restaurants, but by the competition from years past. One new place made its mark, though: La Dolce Vita, which was selected as our readers’ favorite restaurant.

In fact, this was one of the most intriguing years ever, best explained by one reader: “I didn’t know who to vote for this year,” he wrote. “All of our favorite restaurants are gone.”
