After talking with Elizabeth Haddock, ’84, I understand where her nickname, Biz, originated, or at least, should have originated. Biz is very busy.
Since high school, she has gone to New York to be a guest on a television talk show and appeared on the cover of a cookbook her mother wrote.
By chance, Haddock went to work for a telecommunications company in Dallas on a temporary basis. That was eight years ago and she is still there and loves her job in the sales department. The part-time job to earn extra cash for travel spun off into an exciting career.
The Haddock family is expanding. Last spring, Biz’s horse had a colt. But the big news is that Biz is expecting a baby in August.
She also says one of the best things in her life is her friendship with her junior high and high school buddy, Chrissie Garrett Smith, ’84.
“Chrissie and I were so close during our high school years, but after graduating we went our separate ways,” Biz told me. “When Chrissie got engaged to be married, we hooked up again and it was like we had never parted. We had grown in such parallel directions and were really on the same wavelength. We are so, so close now. Chrissie and her husband and me and my husband travel together and spend a lot of time together. Our friendship is profoundly rewarding.”
Back in RISD
Another Lake Highlands graduate who finds her life rewarding is Laura Hurley, ’90. She teaches third grade at Bowie Elementary School in the Richardson Independent School District.
Hurley says she feels privileged to have graduated from an RISD school. One of her education professors at Baylor University used RISD as an example of high-quality education. She says it made her realize the quality education she received. It also made her appreciate her job with RISD. She says she loves her students and the career she chose.
Backstage Groupies
Do you like country music? Well, ’82 grad Robin Reeves Compton does. She and husband Danny hung out with the Kentucky Headhunters in the VIP room at the Hard Rock Café. Danny grew up and went to school with members of the band. Robin’s sister, Ronda, ’89, and her mom, Barbara, also went to the concert and all of them dined with the Headhunters after the show. Robin got autographed drumsticks out of the deal.
When not hanging around backstage, Robin is a sales representative for State Farm Insurance and Danny is in the telecommunications business. They are expecting a baby this month.
Practicing Random Kindness
In case you missed the news – the week of Valentines Day has been designated Random Acts of Kindness Week. Jim McCormick, a Dallas resident, has dedicated his life to Random Acts of Kindness and is inspiring others to participate.
Northlake Elementary has hopped on the band wagon. In support of the movement, on Valentine’s Day the staff and students of the school will gather on the playground and hold hands in a huge circle to show their support.
Student council sponsors Beth Greaves and Jennifer Fritz have also organized students to donate books to the Audelia Branch Library as their Random Act of Kindness gesture. Northlake students invite all other schools to join in the celebration.