The Lake Highlands football team just finished an exciting season where they scored big in the play-offs under the direction of Coach Mike Zofutto and his staff. What is especially gratifying is that three of the coaches on the staff – Larry Jensen, Harry Everett and Paul Maturi – are L.H. grads. The Wildcats rolled through three play-off games before being stopped by John Tyler High School.
Look for Zofutto on Late Night with David Letterman or with Jay Leno. Not only can he coach, but Zofutto has a unique technique for calling the play-by-plays of high school games that has earned him some national attention.
More From the Field
It seems there will be a changing of the guard for the Ball Boy of the Wildcats Football Team. Jonathon Washburn has been at the helm since he was in the fourth grade. He is training fourth-grader Cody Clark for the position. Cody is the son of vice-principal Jack Clark and L.H. counselor Donna Clark.
During Cody’s first night on the job, he got a taste of the dangers of the game. He was watching a play when it unexpectedly made a turn right for him. He tried to move but luck stepped aside and the ball carrier, Glen Johnson, hit Cody head-on and sent him for a ride six feet high and 10 feet back.
When the defense went in, Johnson checked on Cody, who was fine, but Glen wasn’t when he found out whose son he sent flying.
L.H. Native American Expert
Richard Hughes ’75 is the number one salesman and regional manager for Revlon. He lives in the Arlington area and has two children, a 10 year old daughter and a five year old son.
Every year he takes at least three weeks and indulges in his hobbies of hiking, fishing and camping. He mostly travels in the mountains of Canada or Oregon. While hiking, Hughes collects natural materials and makes Native American artifacts. He designs war shields, bow quivers, war and medicine rattles and peace pipes. He has been studying Native American culture for more than 20 years.
From the Land Down Under
Retired L.H. Social Studies teacher, Betsy Vandament is living in Australia while her husband, who works for Rockwell Industries of Dallas, is temporarily headquartered there. Vandament reports that five other families made the move, so she has plenty of company.
She has joined a church choir and a local craft class. She teaches American children social studies so that they will stay caught up with their classmates in the U.S.
The Vandaments shared Thanksgiving with their American friends and introduced the holiday to their Australian friends. They improvised for a traditional meal with fowl, cranberries and a baked pumpkin.
Returning to His Stomping Ground
Back in the halls of L.H. is Bob Williams ’75. He was one of the lead drummers in the drum corp when it first earned its illustrious reputation. He now has the challenging job of teaching honors English to sophomores. The next time you run into Williams, think of him as I remember him, with blonde hair in a chili bowl cut flying around everywhere as he made banging the drums an art form.