Chief Ben Click recently announced the creation of the Crime Watch Executive Board to coordinate neighborhood crime watch activities among the six police divisions in the City.
The board is composed of citizen volunteers representing their communities. The Northeast Bureau is represented by J.J. Pair, a neighborhood crime watch leader, and Patti Smith, a chief organizer of the apartment crime watch group.
J.J. and Patti work with crime watch area chairmen in the northeast and the Crime Prevention Officers at the Northeast Substation. They are working to identify the crime prevention “tools” used by the existing crime watches in order to help rejuvenate non-active crime watches and begin new ones.
Crime watches are frequently organized with boundaries approximating police reporting areas. The Northeast Bureau has 161 reporting areas but only 82 residential Crime Watches.
We need your help. J.J. and Patti are compiling information to begin organizational activities in some of our neighborhoods.
- Are you president of a homeowners’ association?
- Are you a Crime Watch Chairman?
- Have you been involved in an active Crime Watch in the past but have not been contacted recently?
- Are you interested in establishing a Crime Watch?
If you answered yes to any of these questions and have not been contacted by J.J. or Patti, please call the Crime Prevention Officer at Northeast, 670-7747.
With your help, we can make our neighborhoods safer for everyone.
Recycling Is Here
At long last, Lake Highlands residents have curbside recycling, which will help reduce the waste going to the McCommas Bluff Landfill.
The recycled items will be picked-up weekly and need to be placed in the same location the garbage is now collected, but do not mix them with the regular garbage.
Aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic milk jugs and soft drink plastic bottles should be placed in a blue plastic bag. The blue bags can be purchased at City recreation centers and neighborhood grocery stores. Newspapers and magazines may be bundled and placed next to the “blue bag” recyclables. If you prefer, papers and magazines may be placed in brown paper bags for easier collection.
The weekly collection schedule is:
- Areas north of Forest Lane – Tuesday collection
- Areas south of Kingsley and east of White Rock Trail – Thursday collection
- All remaining areas – Monday collection
Our neighborhood is the first to have recycling available to every residence, so I suspect we will experience some problems initially. Please be patient and work with us to make this an effective program. Our children and grandchildren will thank us.